Artist Insight: Kenneth Wayne Alexander II

Kenneth Wayne Alexander II is an emerging digital artist from Memphis, Tennessee known for his captivating multi-level collages accompanied by self-produced audio.

Artist Insight: Kenneth Wayne Alexander II
Land of Expression by Kenneth Wayne Alexander II (View Here)

From an early age, Kenneth Wayne Alexander II has utilized art as a means of escape. At the age of four, he discovered his initial drawing style and began constructing various structures within his home to use as props for his sketches. While residing in Memphis, Tennessee, Kenneth honed his skills through traditional art classes and was introduced to renowned artists such as Rembrandt and Picasso. He drew inspiration from these artists and applied what he learned to his own style. Salvador Dali was particularly influential to Kenneth during his formative years. According to Kenneth, "I saw how he (Salvador Dali) would break from reality while still retaining the human and relative meaning of the environment." This philosophy is evident in Kenneth's work and has had a profound impact on his artistic style.

Now focused on creating digital art, Kenneth Alexander is recognized for his captivating multi-level collages accompanied by audio that he produces himself. Kenneth's pieces are deeply rooted in his upbringing and highlight the philosophies that have influenced him throughout his life. Kenneth first gained the spotlight in the digital art world during Miami Art Week 2022. This year, he is set to return to Miami Art Week 2023 showcasing his latest work, courtesy of Blackdove. The upcoming exhibitions will be an exciting opportunity for collectors to experience the digital masterpieces of Kenneth Alexander along with many other emerging digital artists.

Notable Pieces and Collections

Possess highlights three key pieces from the portfolio of Kenneth Wayne Alexander II followed by a direct artist description of the pieces and links to view and acquire them on Blackdove.

Black Sovereign


Artist's Description:

This piece is a testament to where I came from. I grew up Christian, I was super into church. I was an usher for four years and I was a president of the usher board. It taught me a lot about community and togetherness and the understanding that there's always a higher being in this life and that it's a good thing. I think God exists in the form of love because it's the most universal thing that we have. Aside from this, I felt stagnant, I wasn't growing as the man that I wanted to be, I wanted to understand who I was by my own mistakes in my own life and how I resonated with those mistakes. This spurred me on my path of understanding what love is by my own definitions. - Kenneth Wayne Alexander II

View and Acquire on Blackdove Here

The Tower of Babel


Artists Description

This is a concept about the overstimulation that has become a normal part of our society. There is so much technology happening at once, we often forget to reconcile within nature and that over-simulation interrupts how our brains function. I am showing it in a visual representation, this is what it looks like to me. It speaks on the progression and regression of society. Our intentional actions show if we will progress forward with the new ways of life, or let it sink us back. - Kenneth Wayne Alexander II

View and Acquire on Blackdove Here

The Roar II


Artists Description

This is a piece that I created when I was going through a low and very depressing time in my life, not wanting to create anything. The greatest light I could think of was being as loud as possible, and roaring loud, like a lion. The presence of water is a really big element in most of my works because it represents the continuance and flow of life, something that helped me get through the times that I was in. - Kenneth Wayne Alexander II

View and Acquire on Blackdove Here

Exclusive Interview

The editors of Possess Art help to define the unique style of Kenneth Wayne Alexander II with questions geared towards his artwork.

Why should collectors seek you out for their collections? 

They will be collecting a piece of history. An artist creating the future of art before it even got to this point. The anomaly that incited change.

How much artwork do you create per year? 

I create around 250 pieces of motion artwork and 50 completed paintings per year. 

What is your timeframe for making a piece?

Motion art takes about 2-3 days to create now. When I first started this style, it took weeks to make just one. Painting varies depending on canvas and the concept. Around 1-2 Weeks.

What is the average viewing length for an artwork? 

The length I tend to keep my pieces is 1-2 minutes. It creates a perfect loop of imagery and sound. Also, so that my computer won’t explode. 

Discuss the software tools used in your practice.

I use Adobe Photoshop. I know the ends and outs of the program. I use it as my main source of digital creation.

What are the next milestones that you are focused on in your career? 

Creating immersive environments and traveling them around the world. That is what I feel to be the natural next step within my digital works. Also, to have a Digital Fine Art piece in the Louvre Museum.

How do you want to be remembered? 

To be the artist who dared to create his own style of art that speaks on black futurism and the human experience.

What singular concept defines you as an artist? 


Please provide your social media for readers to stay in touch with you.

X (Twitter): @noviartwork, Instagram & Tik Tok: @artworkofalexander
